Notes |
- Russian birthday would be 04 Nov 1897
Russian Anniversary would by 29 Jan 1927
Linguist and historian, specialist in the history of Slavic languages. Emigrated in 1919.
PLAUTIN Sergey (November 4, 1897, the St. Petersburg Tsarskoye Selo lips -. 23 February 1969, Paris, FSUs to the treasure of Sainte-Genevieve-des-Bois..). The historian, linguist and public figure. Father NS Plautina. He graduated from the Corps of Pages. Emigration in Yugoslavia. In 1923 he represented the city of Belgrade and Novi Sad, at the Congress of the Russian national youth in Munich, was elected vice-President of the PRESIdium of the Congress. Then he lived in Paris. He worked at the Louvre in the department of Greek vases, a connoisseur of the Hellenic antiquities. The researcher of ancient Russian history, specialized in the period beginning Russia, studied the theory of the Baptism of Rus' and the first Greek metropolitan. In 1957 at the Russian National Institute lectured on the "Lay." The author of "The Tale of Igor's Campaign. The corrected and uncorrected texts. Translation and Notes "(Paris, 1958, issued by Russian scientific institute at the Russian academic group in Paris). Comrade Chairman of the Commission of the Union Bloodline Russian nobility since 1926. He was awarded the diploma «The Academic Council and Senate American International Academy». In 1930 he participated in mladorosskom movement. His works were published in "Revival" magazine (1949), "nobles Union" (1952).
Collection of Plaoutine papers and history in archives.
The beginning of the Plaoutine chart starts this way:
Pendant un récent séjour à Moscou, l'auteur de la presente etude n'a eu que peu de temps pour etudier les trois grandes liasses de documents originaux de sa famille, qui avaient ete deposes a la librairiepar les Plaoutine. Cependant, quelques renseignement sur cette famille dont la lignee n'avait jamais ete publiee, ont ete obtenus.
Translated: During a recent stay in Moscow, the author of the present study had only a short time to study the three large bundles of original documents of his family which had been deposited at the Plutin bookshop. However, some information was obtained on this family whose line had never been published.
