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Art historian, art copyist, a member of the Union of Artists and Architects of Georgia, Honored Artist of Georgia. In 1929, she graduated from the Institute of Fine Arts in Leningrad, in the workshop of Lydia Alexandrovna Durnovos -'s unique method of copying the frescoes in the authentic art. Together with L.A.Durnovo and a group of her students T.S.Scherbatova-Shevyakova participated in numerous expeditions to the copy of the frescoes in Russia and Georgia. In 1935 he was arrested and exiled to Solovki husband T.S.Scherbatovoy-Shevyakova, art critic and painter Boris Shevjakov. Fleeing from repression T.S.Scherbatova with a four-Shevyakova daughter hastily left Leningrad. From 1936 to 1987 she lived and rabotalav Georgia, executing copies of frescoes on the orders of the museums of Georgia and Armenia. Every year, starting in independent art history expedition for months she was working alone, copying frescos in remote churches and monasteries. In parallel with the execution of orders, she collected and systematized the collection of materials of the exposed right now, thus becoming not only the creator, but also the first researcher of this topic. T.S.Scherbatova-Shevyakova - the author of several publications on the history of Georgian medieval monumental art, including the album-book "monumental painting early Middle Georgia" (Tbilisi, "Art", 1983). Copies of the murals that made T.S.Scherbatovoy-Shevyakova since 1925, are remarkable not only highly artistic quality of workmanship, but also the fact that they are difficult to document the exact art critic and researcher. In 62 years of work it performed more than 600 square meters. meters of facsimile copies of the frescoes, which are now in major museums of Georgia, Armenia and Russia. Her selfless work was invaluable contribution to the study and preservation of world culture.
