Michael George "Mischa" Plautin

Michael George "Mischa" Plautin

Male 1928 - 2021  (93 years)

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Generation: 1

  1. 1.  Michael George "Mischa" Plautin was born on 23 Mar 1928 in Neuilly Sur Seine, France (son of George Nikolaevich Plaoutine and Tatiana Shahovskoy); died on 30 Jul 2021 in Los Angeles, California; was buried on 14 Aug 2021 in Hollywood Forever Cemetery (Section 6, Lot 560, Grave 1).

    Other Events:

    • Naturalization: 05 Apr 1955, Naturalized at San Francisco (Changed name to 'Plautin' from 'Plaoutine')


    • https://www.facebook.com/groups/russian.military.emigration/permalink/1451890381842419/

    Иван Подвалов
    August 3, 2021
    В Лос Анджелесе, 30 июля 2021 года на 93 году жизни скончался Михаил Георгиевич Плаутин. Его долгая, насышенная, успешная и благополучная жизнь началась в Париже, где он родился в 1928 году. Его мать княгиня Татьяна Владимировна Шаховская (1899-1976) и отец Георгий Николаевич Плаутин (1898-1942) оказались во Франции как и тысячи других русских беженцев покинувших Россию в результате революции и гражданской войны.
    Дед Михаила Георгиевича, на которого он был очень похож князь Владимир Алексеевич Шаховской, гвардии полковник, адъютант великого князя Николая Николаевича, преподаватель верховой езды в Николаевской Академии Генерального Штаба был расстрелян большевиками вместе со своим братом полковником Кавалергардского полка Леонтием Алексеевичем в 1918 году в Пятигорске.
    Среди знаменитых предков Михаила Георгеевича, можно найти и русского ученого Михаила Ломоносова, и героев войны 1812 года Николая Раевского с его прямым предком генералом Николаем Федоровичем Плаутиным.
    Все Плаутуны так же как и Шаховские прекрасно говорили по французски, поэтому большинство перебрались во Францию где и осели совместно со многими своими родственниками: князьями Куракиными, графами Толстыми Милославскими и многими другими.
    Отец Михаила, Георгий Николаевич окончив университет в Бельгии получив профессию инженера не смог найти работу в Бельгии и Франции и в 1930х переехал с женой и двумя детьми в Северную Африку, в Королевство Марокко и Алжир где работал на строительстве железной дороги. Судьба сложилась так, что семья распалась, его жена Татьяна Владимировна вернулась с детьми во Францию, а Георгий Николаевич погиб на работе в Марокко, во время Второй Мировой Войны в 1942 году, под фашистскими бомбами во время обстрела.
    Михаил Георгиевич во Франции вырос в окружении тетушек и бабушек, у его матери было четыре сестры которые все поселились во Франции, так же он был близок и с родными своего отца, Плаутиными.
    По окончании Второй Мировой Войны, по приглашению своего друга Серафима Милорадовича и при содействии своего троюродного дяди будушего Архиепископа Иоанна Шаховского он приезжает в США, с начала на восточное побережье где остановился первое время в семье дочери барона П. Н. Врангеля, Натальи. С началом Корейской Войны вступает в американскую армию. После службы в армии он поступает в Колумбийский Университет, а потом в Университете Стэнфорда где получил диплом инженера.
    В 1957 году женился на Нине Ивановне Ключаровой, которая прибыла в США из Персии. Этот брак был единственным в жизни Михаила Георгиевича. Вскоре после женитьбы у них родилась дочь, но к сожалению в связи с врожденной болезнью она прожила всего несколько лет. Это жизненное потрясение Михаил и Нина пережили вместе, и Михаил Георгиевич принял решение получить еше одно образование в Калифорнийском Университете в Лос Анджелесе по специальности управление бизнесом.
    Рабочая карьера Михаила Георгиевича началась в одном из конструкторских бюро здесь в Лос Анджелесе где проектировались самолеты для военно морских сил США. Михаил Георгиевич провел 23 года работая в бюро и при выходе в отставку занимал должность главного инженера.
    С выходом в отставку, он совместно с женой начал заниматься частным бизнесом. В 1982 году, он по просьбе Александры Ивановны Мергер, основательницы русского Святого Иоанна Кронштадского старческого дома, стал представителем благотворительного Фонда Св. Иоанна Кронштадского на западное побережье США.
    С этого момента Михаил Георгеевич посвятил себя служению и заботе о русском старческом доме и его поселенцах. На его плечах оказалась большая но благородная задача. Все 40 лет его работы в качестве попечителя Русского старческого дома были ценнейшим вкладом в сушетсвование самого дома, ведь были случаи когда дом был на гране катастрофы и закрытия, когда не хватало средств на ремонт, когда у поселенцев не находилось денег на похороны и всегда на помошь приходил Михаил Георгиевич.
    Он был не только меценатом в русском старческом доме, но и бескорыстно помогал Русскому Богородицкому Собору (Американской юрисдикции) в Лос Анджелесе, одним из его последних вкладов был ремонт сцены в зале для приемов находяшимся при соборе. Михаил Георгиевич был и отличным певцом, долгое время пел в хоре собора, потом брал уроки по оперному пению у итальянского учителя, и даже смог выпустить диск со своим сольным выступлением.
    За свои заслуги Михаил Георгеевич получил несколько Синодальных Благодарственных Грамот, а так же был награжден Великой Княгиней Марией Владимировной Орденом Святой Анны 3й степени.
    Oн был последним представителем русского дворянского рода Плаутиных, с его смертью род пресекся. Во Франции, в Нормандии проживает его сестра Мария Де Синген де Онса которая приезжала навестить Михаила Георгиевича последний раз в 2017 году. Там же во Франции проживают и дочери его двоюродного брата Николая Плаутина, среди потомков Плаутиных во Франции есть и знаменитaя скульптор и артист Доминик де Сегюн (Дomenique de Seguin).
    Михаил Георгеевич с супругой и сестрой неоднократно бывали в России, особенно запомнился ему круиз по реке Волге. Его связь с Россией продолжалась до последнего дня, жильцы дома на набережной реки Невы в Петербурге, который когда то принадлежал Плаутиным поддерживали с ним связь, делились фотографиями и видео.
    Михаил Георгиевич несмотря на свой возраст всегда участвовал в заседаниях правления старческого дома, посешал собор и был интереснейшим собеседником, он всегда был рад поделится напутствием, советом или воспоминаниями. Совсем недавно он участвовал в съемках документального фильма Конгресса Русских Американцев, посвяшенному 100 летию русского исхода из Крыма, где делился семейными воспоминаниями. Мне же, удалось буквально месяц назад взять еше одно интервью где мы разговаривали на религиозные и философские темы. Это его последнее интервью будет использовано в документальном фильме о 100 летии первого Русского Православного Прихода в Южной Калифорнии. Совсем недавно, выяснялось что в России у него нашлись дальние родственники потомки княгини Елизаветы Сергеевны Шербатовой (урожденной Плаутиной), но связать родственников к сожалению не получилось.
    Панихиды об упокоении раба Божьего Михаила были отслужены в Лос Анджелесе, Франции и Санкт Петербурге в Казанском Соборе. Вечная память!

    Family/Spouse: Nina Klutchareff. Nina was born on 03 Feb 1923 in Saratof, Russia; died on 18 Dec 2016 in California; was buried on 27 Dec 2016 in Hollywood Forever Cemetery (Section 6, Lot 560, Grave 1). [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. Elizabeth M Plautin was born on 06 May 1958 in Los Angeles, California, USA; died on 31 Jul 1961 in Los Angeles, California, USA; was buried on 12 Aug 1961 in Hollywood Forever Cemetery (Section 6, Lot 382, Grave 11).

Generation: 2

  1. 2.  George Nikolaevich Plaoutine was born on 05 Dec 1898 in Tsarskoe-Selo, Russia (son of Major-General Nikolai Sergeyevich Plaoutine and Maria Mikhailovna Raevskaya); died on 30 Dec 1942 in Philippeville, Algeria (Algiers); was buried in L'Eglise Reformee de France, Skikda, Algeria.


    George married Tatiana Shahovskoy on 23 Jun 1927 in Paris, France. Tatiana was born on 09 May 1899 in Tsarskoe-Selo, Russia; died on 22 May 1976 in Cannes, France. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

  2. 3.  Tatiana Shahovskoy was born on 09 May 1899 in Tsarskoe-Selo, Russia; died on 22 May 1976 in Cannes, France.


    • http://www.angelfire.com/realm/gotha/gotha/shakhovsky.html
    5l) Tatiana (Tsarskoie Selo 9 May 1899-Cannes 22 May 1976); m.1st Paris 23 Jun 1927 (div 1932) Georgij Nikolaievich Plautin (k.a.Philippeville, Algeria 1942); m.2nd Kouriga, Morocco 4 Jun 1939 Pawel Constantinovich Gendre (Sevastopol 11 Apr 1898-Cannes 19 Dec 1974)

    1. 1. Michael George "Mischa" Plautin was born on 23 Mar 1928 in Neuilly Sur Seine, France; died on 30 Jul 2021 in Los Angeles, California; was buried on 14 Aug 2021 in Hollywood Forever Cemetery (Section 6, Lot 560, Grave 1).
    2. Maria Gueorguievna "Mary" Plautin was born on 06 Nov 1930 in Rabat, Morocco.

Generation: 3

  1. 4.  Major-General Nikolai Sergeyevich PlaoutineMajor-General Nikolai Sergeyevich Plaoutine was born on 02 Feb 1868 in Nice, France (son of Lieut-General Sergei Nikolaevich Plaoutine and Eleanor Hester Mary Pringle); died on 31 Oct 1918 in Krasnoslav, Poland.

    Other Events:

    • Military Service: 01 Oct 1888, Enters Into Service (Nicholas Cadet Corps)
    • Education: 1890, Graduated from Nikolayev Cavalry School
    • Military Service: 08 Oct 1890, Cornet in Life Guards Hussars
    • Military Service: 08 Oct 1894, Lieutenant in Life Guards Hussars
    • Military Service: 06 Dec 1895, Staff Captain in Life Guards Hussars
    • Military Service: 06 Dec 1897, Captain in Life Guards Hussars
    • Awarded: 1902, Order of St. Anne 3rd st.
    • Military Service: 14 Apr 1902, Colonel in Life Guards Hussars
    • Military Service: 25 Mar - 27 Nov 1904, Commander of the Terek-Dagestan Cavalry Regiment
    • Awarded: 1905, St. Vladimir 4th Class with Swords
    • Military Service: 1904 - 1905, Serves in Russian-Japanese War
    • Awarded: 28 Oct 1905, George or Golden Arms
    • Awarded: 27 Nov 1905, St. Stanislaus 2nd Century with Swords
    • Military Service: 27 Nov 1905 - 17 Apr 1906, Prikomandirovank Staff General-present in the Far East
    • Military Service: 1904 - 1907, Chief of the Mounted Regiments
    • Military Service: 17 Apr 1906 - 12 Jan 1907, Commander of the Primorsky Dragoon Regiment
    • Military Service: 12 Jan 1907 - 17 Mar 1908, Commander of the 4th Hussars Mariupol Regiment
    • Military Service: 17 Mar 1908 - 08 Apr 1910, Chief of Staff
    • Military Service: 04 Jun 1914, Rank of Major General
    • Awarded: 15 Jun 1915, St. Anna 2nd Class with Swords
    • Awarded: 07 May 1916, St. Vladimir 3rd St. with swords
    • Retired: 29 Apr 1917
    • Military Service: 14 Nov 1914 - 29 Apr 1917, Commander of 2nd Brigade of the 2nd Kazakh arch. Kazakh Division of the Kuban Cossaks


    --- "Brighton College School Magazine" (Unknown Date, after 1918):
    Nicolas de Plaoutine (1884-86) died of black small-pox in the South of Russia, after having suffered terribly during the Revolution. He was a General in the Imperial Army, and commanded a regiment of Cossacks raised on his father's estates.

    Nikolai married Maria Mikhailovna Raevskaya on 20 Sep 1892 in Tsarskoe-Selo, Russia. Maria (daughter of Michael "Mikhail" N. Raevskii and Maria G. Gagarin) was born on 15 May 1872 in Tsarskoe-Selo, Russia; died on 30 Dec 1942 in Phillippeville, Algiers (During the Bombing). [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

  2. 5.  Maria Mikhailovna Raevskaya was born on 15 May 1872 in Tsarskoe-Selo, Russia (daughter of Michael "Mikhail" N. Raevskii and Maria G. Gagarin); died on 30 Dec 1942 in Phillippeville, Algiers (During the Bombing).

    Other Events:

    • Occupation: Lady-in-Waiting to the Empress of Russia


    --- From the notes of Serge Plaoutine:
    She had 8,454 hectares in Sadovka and Kamenka d. Novokhopersk.

    --- http://tsarselo.ru/yenciklopedija-carskogo-sela/istorija-carskogo-sela-v-licah/plautiny.html
    Spouse Nikolai Sergeevich (1892) - Maria Mikhailovna , nee Raevskaya (1872-1942), the maid of honor of Empress Maria Feodorovna. His mother's father, Mikhail Nikolayevich Raevsky, inherited from his father Nikolai Nikolaevich Raevsky, a friend of Alexander Pushkin, a love of botany and was an excellent gardener-practitioner. He is known as the author of the book "Fruit School and Fruit Garden" and as President of the Imperial Russian Horticultural Society. MN Raevskiy was married to the lady of Maria Alexandrovna (wife of Alexander II) Princess Maria Grigoryevna Gagarina, they had four sons and six daughters, one of whom was Maria Mikhailovna, and was a spouse of Nikolai Sergeyevich and the mother of his sons. She later became the owner of the estate of Tesseli, which is next to the famous Foros in the Crimea, receiving it as a gift from his father in 1876. 3 She will perish in Algeria during the bombing with her youngest son and grandson.

    The couple had four sons:

    Nikolai (1893-1942), archaeologist, emigrated to Paris
    Mikhail (1895-1920), ornithologist, was mortally wounded when Odessa left,
    Sergei (1897-1969), a linguist, emigrated to Paris
    George (1898-1942), was killed along with his mother and son in Algeria.

    --- http://pushkin.ru/news/carskoselskay-gazeta/the-year-of-literature-dedicated-to-for-the-common-good-the-100th-anniversary-of-the-tsarskoye-selo-public-public-library.html

    How it all began
    Many families of Tsarskoe Selo could be proud of their rich home libraries, it was natural for financially affluent citizens. But it was not possible for every tsarist citizen to have a dozen or two books out of a peasant class, and many were drawn to education. Because the idea to organize a public library, like ordering time, for many decades worried the minds of indifferent townspeople.

    Maria Platina, a RESIdent of Tsarskoe Selo, undertook to make a noble undertaking a reality. She decided to donate her home library, numbering several thousand volumes, to the common cause. Under the current rules it was necessary to determine the charter of the library, regulating its activities. All this fell on the shoulders of the founder, a woman educated and aimed at the fulfillment of her plan. To write the statute of the library, its approval in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Mary Mikhailovna had to spend a lot of time and effort. Finally, in 1901 the public library in Tsarskoe Selo opened its doors to the readers of the city and the surrounding neighborhoods.

    For public use, approximately six thousand volumes were put on the library's bookshelves, mostly in Russian. The experts of English, French and German were not forgotten, for them a wide choice of literature was offered (a third of the total number of books was in foreign languages).

    Spouses of Plautina
    Little is known about Maria Mikhailovna Plautina. We know that she is the wife of Major-General Nikolai Sergeevich Plautin, who was in command of the Commander-in-Chief of the Guard of the Petersburg District (data for 1917). In the family, Sergei's son was raised, baptized in 1897 in the church of the Life Guards Regiment of the Hussar Regiment in Tsarskoe Selo. Spoutam Plautin owned a house on Moscow street, 55.

    Nikolai Sergeevich from the family of hereditary soldiers, his father, Sergei Nikolaevich Plautin, is a retired Lieutenant-General. From his early childhood, Nikolai Plautin was destined to plunge into the military environment: he was brought up in the Nikolayev Cadet Corps, he received his education at the Nikolayev Cavalry School, after which he graduated from the Life Guards Regiment of his Majesty's Hussar in Tsarskoye Selo.

    Nikolai Sergeevich was not a parquet officer, during the Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905) he was seconded to the headquarters of the commander-in-chief of the land and naval forces of Russia acting against Japan. For showing courage and personal heroism, he was awarded a gold weapon. For participation in the Russo-Japanese War Colonel Plautin's uniform was adorned with the Order of St. Vladimir of the 4th degree with swords and a bow and St. Stanislaus of the 2nd degree with swords.

    How was the library managed and financed?
    The organizing center at the head of all affairs of the Tsarskoye Selo Public Library was an elected Society. It consisted of the honorary trustee M.M. Plautina, honorary and active members.

    For the convenience of the readers, the library was open for a whole year on weekdays from 3 to 6 o'clock in the afternoon. Whether it was convenient for such a schedule to readers, now it is impossible to determine. But if it existed for 15 years, then it suited local bookworms. A considerable book collection required the corresponding premises, which was found in the city: the Tsarskoye Selo Public Library "sheltered" the Tsarskoye Selo primary school.

    Any public charitable undertaking had no long-term prospects without a reliable financial basis. Therefore, the founder of the library took care of the library's capital in advance. In 1901 he was eight thousand rubles.

    The library was kept at the expense of membership fees, donations, funds with concerts and performances arranged by the Society and subscription fees depending on the category. By the 1st category, no more than 3 books and 1 magazine were issued simultaneously, in the second category - no more than 2 books. The fee for the use of books and magazines was charged to readers of the 1st category in the amount of six rubles a year, four rubles a half a year or a ruble a month, and from readers of the second level - four rubles a year, two rubles 50 kopecks in six months or 60 kopecks a month.

    The annual membership fees and other income of the library were distributed in accordance with the charter as follows: 90% went to the needs of the library, the remaining 10% were deducted into fixed assets.

    The fee charged to the readers was distributed as follows: 40% was spent on the purchase of new books, bindings and other expenses related to the content of the library; The other 40% were placed at the disposal of the pedagogical council of the Tsarskoye Selo primary school, which provided the library with a room. Under the contract with the owners of the premises, the library paid for the rent of the occupied premises, in the case of finding a library of their own premises, the said 40% were sent to the library's fixed assets. 15% of the subscription fee was transferred to the disposal of the head of the library; The remaining 5% were sent to the main capital of the library.

    Who was entrusted to the library
    In 1915, Maria M. Plautina decided to transfer the public library she founded to the local zemstvos, which would have taken over the financing of the library, making the use of books for readers free.

    Tsarskoselskoe zemstvo, having studied the offer of the founder of the library, made the following conclusions. "Taking into account the availability of the rich book stock of the Public Library and the absence of any other public library in Tsarskoe Selo ... the Board together with the school commission considers the library's acceptance of the Zemstvo office highly desirable, since the Zemstvo as an institution with a permanent staff of employees on issues of public education, and, in particular, on library technology, could strengthen the library's efficiency and ensure for the future the worthy existence of the latter. " The founder of the library is M.M. Plautina, together with the government and the school commission, worked out the conditions for transferring the library to the zemstvo. A positive decision put an end to this issue. Very soon the decision was implemented in practice, and a letter of thanks from the leadership of the Tsarskoye Selo Zemstvo was sent to Maria Mikhailovna. It stated that "on the issue of taking over the zemstvo established by the Tsarskoye Selo Public Library, the Extraordinary Zemstvo Assembly on July 10, 1915 decided: 1) To express MM Plautina's deep gratitude for the transfer of the Tsarskoye Selo Public Library established by her to the jurisdiction of the Zemstvo; 2) Take over the Zemstvo Tsarskoye Selo Public Library ... ".

    The new owners of the library entrusted the management of the library to the Council. The Council was impressive, it included one representative from the Tsarskoye Selo Zemstvo Board and the Tsarskoye Selo Zemsky Assembly; the founder of the library. Plautine; a representative from Tsarskoe Selo, in the case of the introduction of urban public self-government; librarian; the head of the public education department of the government; two representatives from the readers of the library.

    Afterword to what has been said
    The events described unfolded a hundred years ago in Tsarskoe Selo, when the public library, founded in 1901 by M. M. Plautina, was transferred to the zemstvo authority in 1915 and became freely available to any RESIdent of the city. The modern library system of the Pushkin district can with good reason conduct its history from 1915 and celebrate its century in 2015.


    1. Nicholas Nikolaevich Plaoutine was born on 28 Jul 1893 in Tsarskoe-Selo, Russia; died on 04 Apr 1942 in Paris, France; was buried in Cimetiere de Sainte Genevieve Des Bois, France.
    2. Mikhail Nikolaevich Plautin was born on 02 Jun 1895 in Tsarskoe-Selo, Russia; died on 27 Mar 1920 in Odessa (Shot by the Bolsheviks).
    3. Serge Nicholaievitch Plaoutine was born on 16 Nov 1897 in Tsarskoe-Selo, Russia; was christened in 1897 in Church of the Life Guards Regiment of the Hussar Regiment, Tsarskoe Selo; died on 23 Feb 1969 in Paris, France; was buried in Cimetiere de Sainte Genevieve Des Bois, Sainte-Genevieve-des-Bois, Department de l'Essonne, Ile-de-France, France.
    4. 2. George Nikolaevich Plaoutine was born on 05 Dec 1898 in Tsarskoe-Selo, Russia; died on 30 Dec 1942 in Philippeville, Algeria (Algiers); was buried in L'Eglise Reformee de France, Skikda, Algeria.

Generation: 4

  1. 8.  Lieut-General Sergei Nikolaevich PlaoutineLieut-General Sergei Nikolaevich Plaoutine was born on 01 May 1837 in Tsarskoe-Selo, Russia (son of Lieut-General Nikolai Fedorovich Plautin and Severina Iossifovna Kalinowski); died on 22 Sep 1926 in Chateau St. Laurent, Nice, Alpes Maritimes, France; was buried in Ste Marguerite Anglo American Cemetery, Nice, Alpes-Maritimes, France.

    Other Events:

    • Residence: 1866, 14 Rue Massena, Nice, France
    • Military Service: 30 Aug 1873, Major General
    • Visiting: Sep 1874, Stanmore House, Burlington Place, Eastbourne; Gen. and Madame de Plaoutine and family
    • Retired: 1883, Retired as Aide-de-Camp (A.D.C.) to H.M. the Tsar
    • Military Service: 15 May 1883, Lieutenant-General


    Russ. Date: 18 April 1837

    Sergei married Eleanor Hester Mary Pringle on 30 Apr 1867 in Church of the Holy Trinity, Nice, France. Eleanor (daughter of John Henry Pringle and Georgiana Ramsbottom) was born on 14 Sep 1843 in London, England; was christened on 19 Nov 1843 in St. George's, Ramsgate, Kent; died on 01 Oct 1924 in Chateau St. Laurent, Nice, Alpes Maritimes, France; was buried in Ste Marguerite Anglo American Cemetery, Nice, Alpes-Maritimes, France. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

  2. 9.  Eleanor Hester Mary PringleEleanor Hester Mary Pringle was born on 14 Sep 1843 in London, England; was christened on 19 Nov 1843 in St. George's, Ramsgate, Kent (daughter of John Henry Pringle and Georgiana Ramsbottom); died on 01 Oct 1924 in Chateau St. Laurent, Nice, Alpes Maritimes, France; was buried in Ste Marguerite Anglo American Cemetery, Nice, Alpes-Maritimes, France.

    Other Events:

    • Residence: 1851, 13 Kensington-gardens, Paddington, London
    • Residence: 1861, 3 Queen's Gate Terrace, Kensington, London
    • Court Presentation: 27 Jun 1861, Miss Eleanor Pringle Presented to Queen Victoria by Her Mother, Mrs. Pringle
    • Probate: 08 May 1925, London, England (Limited Administration)



    • "The Paisley Herald and Renfrewshire Advertiser" 11 May 1867, page 2:
    One of the reigning blonde beauties of London, Miss Pringle, daughter of Colonel Pringle (formerly of the Guards) and Mrs. Pringle, was married on Tuesday week, at Nice, to a Russian nobleman, Count Plautine Serges, Aide de-Camp to the Csar. --- Court Journal

    • "The Morning Post" 17 May 1867, page 8:
    DE PLAOUTINE --- PRINGLE. --- On the 30th ult., at Nice, Colonel de Plaoutine, aide-de-camp to H.M. the Emperor of Russia, only son of the late General de Plaoutine, membre du Consel de l'Empire, late commandant of the Imperial Guard, A.D.C., general and general-en-chef de l'Armee Russe, to Eleanor, daughter of Colonel Pringle, late Coldstream Guards.

    1. 4. Major-General Nikolai Sergeyevich Plaoutine was born on 02 Feb 1868 in Nice, France; died on 31 Oct 1918 in Krasnoslav, Poland.
    2. Vera Sergeyevna Plaoutine was born on 05 Aug 1869 in Tsarskoe-Selo, Russia; died on 24 May 1917 in Died in Russia of Pneumonia; was buried in Novodevichy Cemetery, St. Petersburg.
    3. Michael Sergeyevich Plaoutine was born on 28 Aug 1873 in Tsarskoe-Selo, Russia; died on 04 Sep 1918 in 67 Petrograd.
    4. Elizaveta Sergeyevna "Lily" Plaoutine was born on 02 Mar 1875 in St. Petersburg, Russia; died in 1921 in Smolensk (Shot to Death).

  3. 10.  Michael "Mikhail" N. Raevskii was born on 15 Feb 1841 in Kerch; died on 10 Dec 1893 in Sevastopal.

    Michael married Maria G. Gagarin. Maria was born on 02 Jun 1851; died on 20 Jul 1941. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

  4. 11.  Maria G. Gagarin was born on 02 Jun 1851; died on 20 Jul 1941.
    1. 5. Maria Mikhailovna Raevskaya was born on 15 May 1872 in Tsarskoe-Selo, Russia; died on 30 Dec 1942 in Phillippeville, Algiers (During the Bombing).
    2. Mikhael Mikhaylovich Raevskaya was born on 16 Mar 1875; died on 14 Nov 1922; was buried in Cimetiere Russe de Caucade, Nice, France.
    3. Anna Mikhaylovna Raevskaya was born in 1876; died in 1967; was buried in Cimetiere de Sainte Genevieve Des Bois, France.
    4. Peter Mikhaylovich Raevskaya was born on 28 Mar 1883; died on 17 Sep 1970; was buried in Cimetiere Russe de Caucade, Nice, France.
    5. Anastasiya Mikhaylovna Raevskaya was born on 12 Apr 1890; died on 03 Feb 1963; was buried in Cimetiere de Sainte Genevieve Des Bois, France.